Saturday, 19 November 2011


Mr. K J DEVASYA  ( 92yrs) - father and founder of kottathil ayurveda passed away on 19/11/2011.

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Thursday, 13 October 2011


                    This is the case of mrs indira devi, 50yrs, female ,vinayak nagar,ganteyada gajuwaka, vishakapattanam. she came to me with the complaints of paralysis of right side of the body since six weeks with urinary incontinence and third stage osteo arthritis both knee ,and severe edema of rt ankle .

                                                  while getting into her history she had a brain injury six weeks back during a train journey and her MRI brain shows ACUTE INFARCTION INVOLVING THE BRAIN STEM. she got admitted in a famous hospital in vishakapattanam and they gave the emergency management with the advice of physiotherapy, but there was not any marked relief during this period and the patient got admitted at our hospital.

                              This was again a challenging case, we are confident with our medicines and treatment ,the main concern was osteoarthritis knee, even if her nervous system and musculoskeletal system regains its normal function the degenerated knee joint can damage the results due to lack of stability, but we had many O.A cases which got very good results after treatment. we plan 30 days treatment .

                        In our experience most of the cases with infarcts respond within one week of treatment, and the patient slowly get strength in there lower limbs which enable them to drag there limbs , upper limbs respond late in almost all the cases mainly wrist and finger movements . in her case it was on the 5th day she started slowly raising her leg only for a moment, it gradually got improved. we gradually removed her catheter, body responded and she was able to hold urine for some moment. Her condition got improved day by day and she was able to stand with support after 3 weeks , but her knees started making problems since they lack stability and loss of cartilage made the condition worse, but her motor activity got better and muscles started functioning back to normal.

                                 gradually on the 4th week of her treatment she started walking with support and was trying to move her limbs with some effort, slowly the condition improved and she used to walk with support 100 mtrs per day and it got improved to around 500mtrs/day during the time of discharge, .

   At the time of discharge she was able to stand without support walk with some support and her urinary incontinence reduced. she got discharged and is under our observation at the moment.  

Written by,
Dr.Samson c Varghese
Cheif Research officer
Kottathil ayurveda

Wednesday, 21 September 2011


  This is the  case of Mr. HASSAN ABDULLAH MUBARAK ALBARUSHI, OMAN  with the complaints of low back ache with left gluteal pain having the duration of one month, pain more on standing and walking, he was not able to walk more than five minutes continouesely, the pain increases while travelling.
H/O L4/5 and L5/S1 laninectomy and discectomy .

on examination , restricted range of motion of spine with flexion only upto 10 degree, straight leg raising test was positive(L).

                these were the reports and clincal studies of one of the famous hopital , while getting into the case he gave us the details of surgery one year back and was adviced to take rest for some period of time,he got symptomatic relief,but the pain reccur while doing some work at home, for this he again consulted doctor and on his advice he took another mri and the results were, recurrent disc prolapse L4-L5 with left L5 root compression. L5-S1 minimal disc prolapse,

       for these presenting complaints he got admitted here, after getting treated for 3 weeks he was perfectly normal with no pain and the associated numbness was reduced upto 90%. you can here from him how good and effective was the treatment

my simple question to all people suffering from I V D P and SPONDYLOTIC CHANGES OF SPINE


Tuesday, 20 September 2011



these are real pictures before and after treatment without surgery or  steroid injections, with simple external treatments and medicines we can say no to these conditions

Monday, 12 September 2011


 This case is one of the eye openings in a doctor's life, how great and wonderfull is the science of ayurveda.
                                               It was during the end of December 2010, I got an enquiry from Nigeria, describing the condition of a male child named KOLA-KAZEEM HAMEED OLAJIDAE, 9yrs, diagnosed as cereberal palsy, and was unable to walk, no speech, only crawling. His mother gave me the details with the necessary reports, asking us to help her child to become normal. I saw the picture of the child and I perceived him, with all his expressions, like a normal boy with difficulty in walking. His smile made me to say, yes we can help you, but deep in my mind I was little confused, how we could workout a treatment protocol to get maximum results. After discussing with our panel of doctors we made the decision to start the treatment if the parents are willing.

             After providing the necessary details for the child's arrival in Kerala, the child along with his mother came to us on 08/04/2011. He was in wheel chair and his mother was little confused about how the boy would respond to the treatments as well as the food. For the first few days it was very pain taking experience for us, for he was not eating anything, what ever he had , he just vomitted - except black tea. No medicines for the first 4 days, as you know ayurveda medicines are not plesant in taste. Condition become worst, before it got better after four days when he started taking some syrups and milk powder.

               his mother was little confused about the result, how her child walk, she used to visit two or more times daily and have many discussions, we only said one thing be confident and belive us.

During the treatment sessions the child enjoyed oil and other application on his body and from the first week onwards he showed mild improvement in his motor activity with reduced muscle sapsm and reflexes. Our basic line was  to reduce the muscle spasm, after the first week he started to take oral medicines and get used to the atmosphere, we were having serious discussions about his case with all the specilist  doctors in all system of medicine , gradually his speech become more fluent and his leg scissoring reduced, at this position by making some effort we were able to straighten his both limbs, the recoiling spasm was reduced upto 50%.

this was the change which made his mother strenghthen her beleif in ayurveda and she was ready to do what all treatment possible for getting maximum results.

every morning while during our normal rounds the child use to wish us from long distance and we were hearing good morning . his mother was so happy that she always waited for our rounds.

after two weeks of treatment almost 90% of his spasm reduced and we were able make one unique brace for his knee, this helped him very much, we gradually moved on with head treatment and VASTHI  (main ayurvedic treatment for neuronal deficit), the boy responded to the treatment very well and the results were remarkable. the next course of treatment was muscle strengthening .

We were very much happy and we appreciate his mother for her continues pain taking support without which we cant do nothing. she will be with him through out the treatment session giving him the support and care, we always remember her carrying him on her lap whenever he demanded.

Before the last course of treatment we decided to make the brave decision of making him stand with support, we were confused whether he will be able to support his weight over his knee, at last the day came we arranged a special brace for his knee and with  support   he stand for the first time in his life. the boy was very happy and he tried whole heartily to move one step forward, with gods grace he dragged his left leg forward,  one of the happiest moment in his mother life, she was very much happy that she cant say anything.

Day by day he started increasing the duration of standing. During the first days it take around 45 minutes  to finish 50 meter  soon it get reduced and after one week he was walking with support around  100 meter in less than 30 minutes
. this was one of the great achivements during the first course of treatment.
At the moment he is  in nigeria, with little support he use to walk daily and is very happy. We are expecting him for the second course of treatment

Written by,
Dr.Samson c Varghese
Cheif Research officer
Kottathil ayurveda

Monday, 4 April 2011

Special Treatment Developed by R & D wing of Kottathil Ayurveda

Ayurveda gives complete cure of pain and associated symptoms.

Pain, numbness and weakness that affects hand, thumb or finger and radiating pain into the arm; these are the conditions of carpel tunnel syndrome, which is one of the major problems during your working carrier mainly for IT professionals, housewives, teachers.

Pain at the outer aspect of elbow, weakness of wrist, pain while pressing on elbow clearly indicates tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis, mainly occur with sportsmen and mechanics who use their elbow without rest.

Trigger finger is the condition of pain and snapping of tendons in fingers, causes are mainly due to inflammation of tendon or nodules which obstruct the normal movements.

Ayurveda clearly indicates treatment modalities for this condition without surgery or corticosteroid injections.
Ayurveda treat the root cause of this condition, special internal medicines along with local external sudative treatment modalities assure maximum long standing results without any complications.

Depending upon the time, duration and intensity treatment days vary.

Written by

Dr.Samson c Varghese
Cheif Research officer
Kottathil ayurveda

Scientific Ayurveda

Around the world there is a concept that Ayurveda, a type of old treatment with local remedies. Critics always points out the words ‘ITS UNSCIENTIFIC, WITH NO PROOF'.

Ayurveda answers its critics by giving scientific proof on blood picture and MRI

Here we are discussing one of the many cases we had in our hospital.
Mrs Joshy Mathew came to our hospital with radiating pain of leg starting from hip, travelling down to legs and foot. She also had complaints of knee pain, mainly right knee and radiating pain of both arms and numbness of hands.

On her MRI
  • Broad based disc prolapse over C5 – C6 narrowing neural foramina with compression of exiting nerve roots
  • Disc protrusion at C3-C4, C4-C5
  • Cervical bony canal stenosis at C5-C6
  • Disc dehydration at L3-L4,  L4-L5, L5-S1
  • L3-L4 mild diffuse bulging
  • L4-L5 diffuse bulge with narrowing of neural foramina and nerve root compression
  • L5-S1 disc prolapsed . post central and right foraminal protrusion leading to indention over thecal sac and narrowing of right neural foramina with nerve root compression

This was a challenging case. Since the lady was in her early forties, the condition makes her unable to do her household works.

We started with internal medicines for two weeks and the patient got some relief from the pain and numbness.
Then we plan for admitting the patient and slowly started ayurvedic external treatment modalities.

At first the body responded with increase in her symptoms, but gradually the whole subsided and we were able to the perform all the therapeutic methods along with internal medicines and mild physiotherapy.

She was admitted for 21 days and after the treatment 80% of her symptoms subsided.

We performed all the clinical evaluations and the patient was tolerable to all tests.

We advice rest for two more months after the treatment, during this period only internal medicines were advised.

After 2 months we took the MRI and the images tells the truth how great and systematic is Ayurveda and its medicines.

From Wheel Chair To Running Feet.

Mr K Arumugam, 51yrs, Gasco Ruwais, Abudabi, UAE came to me on wheel chairs. He was unable to stand or walk and suffering from acute pain radiating to left leg, the pain aggravated for the last four months.

While getting deep into the case, it became clear to me that the complaints started eight years back; at first it was a slight pain on low back region, for this he had undergone allopathic management and had some physiotherapy, he got slight relief, but the pain was aggravating and was not able to walk freely.

This made him to take MRI scan of his lumbosacral spine, and the result suggest
  • annular tear and left paracentral disc protrusion at L5-SI level indentting with thecal sac and exiting nerve root.
  • Left posterolateral disc protrusion of L3-L4 level causing compression of neural foramen,
  • disc bulge at L4-L5 level causing compression of bilateral neural foramen.
The condition again became worse while lifting weight, and he was unable to move; surgery was advised but he refused and was admitted at our hospital on 23rd December 2009.

It was very unpleasant feeling watching a healthy man sitting in wheel chair, this was a challenging case and on physical examination, all gradients were elevated, this was a case which needs round the clock attention.

We took the case and preliminary external treatment modalities were started with mild swedana procedures (sudative), internal medicines were given to reduce the muscle spasm and internal inflammatory response, it was a waiting game but his body started to give quick response to the treatment.

On the 8th day he started standing and was able to take few steps, his hip and lower back was supported with bandages and different types of oil sudative procedures like patrapotala swedam, choorna pinda swedam were carefully done.

The results were very pleasing and he started walking without any pain on the 19th day then the important muscle strengthening treatment shashtika pinda swedam made him walk freely, this was one of the most pleasing moments in a doctors carrier, when someone came on wheel chair walking freely in front of him without any pain or numbness while getting discharged.
Written by,
Dr.Samson c Varghese
Cheif Research officer
Kottathil ayurveda

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Welcome to our Blog

KOTTATHIL AYURVEDA welcomes you to the health science - Ayurveda the life science with scientific proofs.

Here you find the scientific bases of ayurvedic treatments and medicines. Kottathil Ayurveda Hospital gives you the truth of evergreen life science. You can feel the science from the words of our patients.