This is an
article for future ayurveda doctors and medicine lovers.
we all know kerala is famous for ayurveda medicine, I am asking few questions
as a doctor and medicine lover…
- What do
you mean by ayurveda?
- What do
you mean by ayurveda treatment?
- Is it a
money making butcher?
- What do
you mean by research?
- What do
you mean by heritage?
above marked words are being used in almost all advertisements; it is really
painful to see nothing under these words only pure business with hospitality
features. It is the time for ayurveda doctors to be specific and passionate
regarding there medical system.
this present moment, ayurveda getting noticed internationally, in kerala
private ayurveda is in the hands of money making butchers and immoral
co-operates, there is not even a single association of doctors to oppose
these unethical establishments.
example if you are a doctor please go through one famous advertisement today in
almost all daily newspapers in kerala, you will find an inauguration in the
name of ayurveda.
go through the page you will find ayurveda mentioned in the top and then a 3
star hotel.
am not against any business, only thing is don’t use the word ayurveda
research in 3star
and 5 star hotels and hospitality layouts, there are thousands of
doctors and ancient renowned physicians working hard to spread a medical
language to this system, you can use any other name and then you can add
the facility.
Why this happen?
Can you even dream of such things in ALLOPATHY?
It’s the time of proud
ayurveda doctors to respond.
It’s the time of proud
ayurveda associations to act..
you can change the heading form AYURVEDA RESEARCH AND HERITAGE CENTRE to
HERITAGE ONLY then we ayurveda doctors and genuine research centers won the
Written by,
Dr.Samson c Varghese
Cheif Research officer
Kottathil ayurveda
thank you , please do share the info, help us in spreading an age old medical wisdom