Thursday, 22 November 2012


               In view of the rapidly rising population of old people in india and worldwide, the need of geriatric medicine is of added importance. This is an age when degenerative diseases become common and complications and sequelae of chronic long term diseases such as hypertension and diabetes make their presence. These factors commonly result in multiple pathology.
         During this period body reserves adversely affect absorption, detoxification and excretion of many drugs and medicnes, leading to an increased incidence of toxic side effects and hypersensitivity reactions. Some of the symptoms that old persons maybe complaining of, may actually be due to side effects of drug administered. In younger patients there will be single pathology, on the other hand in geriatric cases there will be multiple pathology and complicating factors.

        In elderly patients, disturbance of function in one system is more likely than patients to adversely affect the function of other organs, mainly heart and the brain.(eg: a heart already affected by years of hypertension but functioning normally may go into congestive heart failure, if diabetes uncontrolled and remains undetected and untreated.)
  Ayurvedic approach in geriatric care is of great significance, ayurveda always consider disease conditions us multiple pathologies, which includes both physical and mental. Almost all the preparations mentioned and used are combinations of different herbs which are having multiple actions, thus treating a major disease and caring multiple pathologies.

   In ayurveda there are multiple pharmacological formulations suiting different age groups. one of the important advantages of ayurveda is its approach to digestive fire( AGNI) and almost all medications  improve your digestion, absorption ,elimination. most of the geriatric conditions  can be corrected by maintaining AGNI, ayurveda will do wonders in managing chronic geriatric disorders.

 Ayurveda emphasis on external body treatments using oil and other liquids, the so called preparations for extenal body treatments are very good for musculoskeletal disoders affecting old age. As we all know aeging causes reduction in muscle bulk, loss of moisture , tissue damage, skin changes, lethargy, circulatory defects etc .

Here are some of the cases in which ayurveda had proven its benifits
     Osteoarthiritis,parkinsons diseae, depression,CVA, dementia,hypertension,chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis,piles,enlarged prostate, chronic urinary tract infections, diabetes, hearing loss, glucoma etc.

Written by,
Dr.Samson c Varghese
Cheif Research officer
Kottathil ayurveda

1 comment:

  1. Ayurvedic System of Medicine recognizes two primary aims of this system preservation of health of the healthy and treatment of the sick.Ayurvedic herbal tea for diabetes
