What comes to our mind When we hear the word Ayurveda . Treatments with oil, massage, dara etc. Then comes the next question. Are these procedures scientific?
Here am discussing some facts about Ayurvedic external treatments and its action on human body, i think after going through this topic some of you will get an idea of what impact these procedures can do.
2. Radiation heat- use of heat with out direct contact over skin surface.
In this procedure massage, mobilization and manipulation are incorporated with at most care. Massage techniques ranging from Effleurage to Tapotment are integrated with ayurvedic marma points and hand movements, which are done with medicinal oils and other medicinal liquids. Effects are mechanical, Physiological and Psychological. These procedures will improve venous and lymphatic drainage, fresh blood will enter the area . Passive movements to increase joints range of motion.
This is a brief discussion regarding the two main procedures used in ayurveda for external treatments. Normally in every case SWEDANAM+ABHYANGAM are performed. This approach will give maximum results than individual methods. Ayurveda uses this approach in almost all musculoslkeletal conditions.
Here am discussing some facts about Ayurvedic external treatments and its action on human body, i think after going through this topic some of you will get an idea of what impact these procedures can do.

- Conduction heat- Heating modalities which are in contact with the skin .In ayurveda different types of heat modalities are used raining from choorna pinda swedam (dry heat) to shashtika pinda swedam . In the above mentioned procedures different types of medicinal plants, leaves etc are powdered made into bolus, packs etc and the procedures are done by expert personals with at-most care, preventing the skin temperature rising above 45 degree C.
2. Radiation heat- use of heat with out direct contact over skin surface.
In this procedure massage, mobilization and manipulation are incorporated with at most care. Massage techniques ranging from Effleurage to Tapotment are integrated with ayurvedic marma points and hand movements, which are done with medicinal oils and other medicinal liquids. Effects are mechanical, Physiological and Psychological. These procedures will improve venous and lymphatic drainage, fresh blood will enter the area . Passive movements to increase joints range of motion.
This is a brief discussion regarding the two main procedures used in ayurveda for external treatments. Normally in every case SWEDANAM+ABHYANGAM are performed. This approach will give maximum results than individual methods. Ayurveda uses this approach in almost all musculoslkeletal conditions.
Written by,
Dr.Samson c Varghese
Cheif Research officer
Kottathil ayurveda